
A strong passion that he makes art

The artist, has today a lot of satisfactions. It is the only activity in which one invents his work and his own way to live.

Modern impressionism and Romanticism Noir

There are people that appear to our eyes as exiles on the earth, people that immediately give the feeling to originate from a different reality from that that is usual

On 23rd October 1999 Roberto Bozzi has opened in Cremona

The following is part of the speech pronounced in that occasion by Senator Prof. A. Rescaglio.

...the hope to be able to conjugate again nature with culture...

In a certain sense we can be affirmed that the aesthetical search of Roberto Bozzi perhaps stirs fundamentally in the pursuit of the prey more difficulty and fleeing of the territory of the visual arts

Of this painting

The Russian painter Vasilij Kandinskij has written: