
For me colors are living beings, individuals very evolved,
that integrate with us and with the whole world. Colors
are the true inhabitants of the space.
Yves Klein


…painting doesn’t come from the hand, it comes from
the brain, from the whole soul; art is novelty, originality,
research, creation and not repetition, even perfect, of
something already done.
Giovanni Papini


There, in the calm days, the sea is tender and fresh, and
it is placed on the shore as a dew. Ah, I would not ask
to be a gull, neither a dolphin; I’ll be satisfied to be a sea
scorpion, which is the ugliest fish of the sea, also to find
again me down there, to joke in that water.

Elsa Morante, Arthur’s island, 1957


And from there the sea wind ceaselessly,
through marine alleys in the ambiguous
evening putting the wind between lights
Preludes from the tangle of vessels:

And we went, the ambiguous evening and I:
And I raised my eyes to the thousands
And thousand and thousand benevolent eyes
Of Chimeras in the skies: ……
the wind grows, simulating a vision of grace

Dino Campana, Genova, vv. 42-45 and 48-54,
from the 1914 edition of the Canti Orifici


…always in the wind…
through the colors
you were flying
between the blue
infinite reflections
exploration of the oceans
through the sunsets
of innumerable suns
and moons
declining sharing smiles
in huge nights but
in solar instants
enlightening of awakenings
light in nothing accomplice of the truth
light transmutating reality
of the dreams light
of noble lives.

Roberto Bozzi, April 16th 2003